Fire Fighting 2


Quarter Course (1 unit) 

Prerequisites: Firefighting 1 

You must be 16 years of age. You must also have a physical on file.  Students may use an SDPC sports physical.

Students will learn about fire chemistry, fire extinguishers, protective gear, the use of self-contained breathing apparatus, search and rescue, fire appliances and hoses, ladders, mass casualty events, incident management, setting up a fire attack, emergency vehicle operations, pump operations, hazardous materials, and terrorism response. 

This is a physically active and demanding course. There will be daily work such as climbing ladders, carrying hoses, doing building searches, and doing maintenance on the equipment and the fire truck. 

NOTE: Upon satisfactory completion of all testing on both content and hands on skills, students will be certified as a Fire Fighter I through the S.C. Fire Academy. 
